A blurb about me

The name's Sofia, Sofia Leiva, and I write about nutrition, fitness and health. 

My mission is to inspire healthy eating, but as you get to know me, even I struggle with eating the "perfect diet." 

In my view, healthy living is an embodiment of our own unique body and soul. There is not clear formula for perfect eating or perfect body. We are all beautifully made and already perfect, but sometimes it takes time to realize this, trust me. 

You can also check out my work-in-progress: Curvy & Nerdy

Lets connect: 

Twitter: @enamorado_sofia
Instagram: @sofleiva
Pinterest: @saleiva

Disclaimer: I am not a certified nutritionist, dietician, fitness instructor, psychologist or health professional. I am just a college student. All the information and methods posted in this blog should not be used in replacement of medical advice.