Happy July First!

By 7:15 PM

What a great day to start on health resolutions! For me, it seems so exciting that the first can be on a monday because, lets face it, we usually tend to "restart" our lives at the beginning of the week. It was a rainy beginning to my very lazy day. Being at home, away from college with no summer plans is hard. It gets boring. I know I will crave all this free time later on in the year, but right now its a little bit to much!
But regardless, I am using this time to focus on self-improvement and that is very exciting. I woke up with a positive attitude, and ready to change my lifestyle of unhealthy eating and laziness. 

I made myself a delicious green smoothie to start my day and boost my energy for insanity. I am participating in a 30 day green smoothie challenge, and for a breakfast smoothie lover like myself, this is a piece of cake. I am excited to experiment with different fruits and greens through out this month. 

Smoothies are the perfect way start to a day. If you are too busy in the morning and can never squeeze in a healthy breakfast, then definitely try a smoothie! The fruits will give you fiber to keep you fuller for longer, and you can sneak in some greens like spinach or kale without the bitter taste! It literally takes 5 minutes to make a smoothie. 

Breakfast truly is the most important part of the day because it is when you break your fast. Breakfast can also dictate how you will eat the rest of the day. If you start the day healthy, you will be more motivated to keep that progress going! 

My smoothie today consisted of:

  •  1 cup mixed berries (strawberries, blueberries), peaches, and half a banana 
  • 1 cup of water
  • 1 cup of spinach 
  • a handful of mint
It was really good! Usually I add protein powder (Sun Warrior Raw Vanilla Protein Powder) but I decided not to this morning.

The rest of the day was uneventful and quiete lazy. But I had a pretty busy weekend so it was nice to have a day to relax. I caught up on a lot of television, including the bachelorette. Honestly the preview for future episodes has left me insanely curious about what is to come!  

I started to blog a little bit late today, and I must go to bed now, but I hope you all had a good start to July and remember to just stay positive, it really makes all the difference!

xx Sofia

P.S. If you would also like to join the 30 day green smoothie challenge then you can check out the website here: http://simplegreensmoothies.com/30-day-challenge 
you can download an awesome FREE PDF guide on green smoothies with delicious recipes! 

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